08:00AM – 5:30PM
Sat: 08:00AM – 1:00PM
80 Gloucester Road Croydon CR0 2DB
Call Us:

0208 663 8976

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Local Moving Van

Pricing Tables

Check our pricing tables to give you a guide

You can contact our Customer Service representative to calculate approximate price for your project depending on your area and amount of work that needs to be done.

Small moves From

£100.00Plus Vat

Fantasic prices call now:

Great value

Storage Prices From

£21.60 Per week

£172.00.00 includes Loading / Unloading :

Give us a call for a price 0208 663 8976

Packing Materials From


Large, Small, Bubble Wrap Packing Paper, Tape Packing materials delivered to your door:

Give us a call for a price 0208 663 8976
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